About us
Supporting underprivileged sections of society, create opportunities and strive towards a more equitable society
At Sudhir, we think it is critical to engage with the social and ecological challenges facing humanity. We believe that engagement with social issues must be deep, meaningful, and formed on the bedrock of long-term commitment — this is the only way real change can happen on the ground.
We run our social programs on a strong foundation of ethical principles, good governance, and sound management. Our foundational values are embodied in the ‘Spirit of Sudhir Foundation’ that emphasizes unyielding integrity in every aspect of our work, treating people everywhere fairly and with respect – at the workplace and in communities outside, and demonstrating ecological sensitivity in thought and action.

Sudhir Power Limited

Our vision is to impart employability skills of international standards to cater to the high demand for skilled professionals across the globe, while also building a strong skilled workforce for India.

To play the role of a facilitator for the benefit of the people, in the fields of education, community health, and promotion of social and economic welfare and upliftment of the people in general

belief that everyone deserves a chance to succeed, everyone has a responsibility to act, and we all do better when we work together. create new opportunities, and make a difference in people’s lives across the India and around the world.